Players: Isabel, Gerhardt, Silas, Lowen, Jericho
Silas has had a door to Nexus installed on his ship. He informs [Gerhardt of Nexus and asks him to accompany everyone back to there to check the place out. This will require him undergoing the Trials (see last session).
Gerhardt in the trial of memory relives his experience that was the doppelgänger as him as well as his own memories, and all the experiences he had with the unmakers. He is shaken by this experience but tries to not to show this.
We use Aubri to use Nexus to find where Corwin is. he is in the ways of Sawall. We reach Merlin and he's all in on freeing his dad.
We encounter a guaridan named Cryptwich and have to promise we intend no harm.
We take a lantern and note that one is taken. Merlin says it is probably his mother, Dara. We need to avoid her.
He takes us on a route through an abandoned section, and encounter some Hellhounds. We dispatch two but the last has pups. It is named "Shadowclaw" and swears fealty to Isabelle.
We find Corwin on a torture table, manacled to it with spikes through his forearm and lower legs. Gerhardt and Isabelle dispatch a tormentor demon that is perched on him and we are able to release the manacles and make off with him, leaving an illusion in his place.
We had seen they were collecting his blood. Lots of it. We need to not leave them with this blood or they could do horrible things to him. We find the room where the blood is being kept in containers. We wait for a guard to leave, then Isabelle sets off a burn of the blood to destroy it. There is a massive explosion.
We make our way to Gerhardt's shadow for surgery to heal Corwin, and then inform Diedre (who is bent on revenge, Merlin says he is okay as long as Diedre doesn't kill Dara) and Aubri who Corwin hasn't seen since she was a baby.
Corwin demands to know how this happened. We tell him the winter court of Fae did this, hired by Eric.